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Volunteer with us..

Beach Cleanup Volunteers
Beach Cleanup

Get in touch..Let's make a difference

Scroll down to read a bit about Ocean Pollution and if you feel like making a difference by joining hands with us, click the button below and let us know.

Are you familiar with the term “ocean-bound plastic".  Sounds weird?.. You must be thinking, Why would anyone make plastic that’s bound for the ocean?


Ocean-bound plastics are defined as those plastics found within 50 kilometres of the coastline that are considered mismanaged waste.


This 50 km range also means that this plastic is close enough to the coast that when the next rain or flood comes along, it’s likely to be washed into the ocean. Once it reaches the Ocean, it gets highly distributed, tough and expensive to collect, clean and remove thereby becoming a threat to marine life.

“This kind of plastic waste is not collected as part of any Official waste management system. No trucks or formal workers are coming to pick up this waste. It’s typically found in developing countries without the resources to invest in proper waste disposal.” This also means the informal workers, the so-called rag pickers, are the last line of defence in most places around the globe.


That's where we need volunteers to gather and clean our beaches and similar unattended areas. We are inviting businesses and NGOs to join hands with us for this Noble Cause. Go Ahead Click the button above or fill out the form below to reach us.

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